May 27, 2018 at 09:13AM

Why didn’t the 13 Angry Democrats investigate the campaign of Crooked Hillary Clinton, many crimes, much Collusion with Russia? Why didn’t the FBI take the Server from the DNC? Rigged Investigation!

(RSS generated with FetchRss) - Donald J. Trump

May 27, 2018 at 08:14AM

Fantastic to have 400,000 GREAT MEN & WOMEN of Rolling Thunder in D.C. showing their patriotism. They love our Country, they love our Flag, they stand for our National Anthem! Thanks to Executive Director Artie Muller.

(RSS generated with FetchRss) - Donald J. Trump

May 27, 2018 at 07:41AM

Who’s going to give back the young and beautiful lives (and others) that have been devastated and destroyed by the phony Russia Collusion Witch Hunt? They journeyed down to Washington, D.C., with stars in their eyes and wanting to help our nation...They went back home in tatters!

(RSS generated with FetchRss) - Donald J. Trump

May 26, 2018 at 08:49PM


(RSS generated with FetchRss) - Donald J. Trump

May 26, 2018 at 02:56PM

When will the 13 Angry Democrats (& those who worked for President O), reveal their disqualifying Conflicts of Interest? It’s been a long time now! Will they be indelibly written into the Report along with the fact that the only Collusion is with the Dems, Justice, FBI & Russia?

(RSS generated with FetchRss) - Donald J. Trump